Install KIS 2014 trial ...
The first thing I have to do is install the 30 trial day of
Kaspersky Internet Security 2014 or AntiVirus 2014. So, click one of the next buttons to chose what product you prefer. When you click it. it will start downloading the Setup. When completed, run the .exe file and install it.
Kaspersky Internet Security 2014 (
DOWNLOAD Kaspersky Internet Security 2014
DOWNLOAD Kaspersky AntiVirus 2014
Activating 3 months trial
Need help? See the images ... Click in them to see in Full Screen.
The Kaspersky that you installed in your PC, only has 30 days to use. But I have one good new. There is available a key that provides you 91 days trial. How I do that?
1- Click in
Enter activation code
2- Click in
Activate application
3- Enter the next code. Select it, right-click, Copy. Then in KIS windows, right-click in box and Paste
The code is: QCGUH-J8FF6-33WGA-UBY62
4- Click Activate
5- Wait a moment ... when done it will appear a message saying that activation was successfully done. You have now 91 days to use Kaspersky.

After 91 days ...
Now is time to use a Trial Reset program. Before you download it, you may disable the
Kaspersky Protection. For that, right-click in
Kaspersky icon in notification area like the next image. It will make appear a context menu. Click
Pause Protection. It will appear a new window. Select the first option and then more than 5 minutes. You can also chose the third option Pause. Is the same. Click in
Pause Protection button

Now, we have to disable the
In the main window, go to
Settings < Additional < Self-Defense
Uncheck the box and click Accept in the
MessageBox that will show up.
Right-click in
Kaspersky icon in notification area like the next image. It will make appear a context menu. Click
Before you continue, save and close all your work
Now we are ready to reset the trial of Kaspersky. Download the activator
here (checked last time 26-10-2013), unzip and run the .
exe file
Remember it must be run as
administrator. The activator is in russian but no problem. Is easy :)
Click the first button like in image. It will appear a MessageBox. When you click
YES and Windows will restart.

Now that windows restarted, open the Main Window of Kaspersky. It will say that you don´t have a licence. Easy! Paste again the key of 91 days trial and you will get it again. Follow the steps I showed in
Activating 3 months trial section.